Cologne: 24.–26.06.2025 #spogagafa

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Biodiversität: Es gibt viel mehr als Rasen! | Event on the spoga+gafa 2024

Biodiversity: There is much more than grass!

from spoga+gafa in cooperation with TASPO Gartenmarkt
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German with simultaneous translator
garden unique, garden creation and care, garden bbq, garden living, responsible gardens
spoga+gafa in Kooperation mit TASPO Gartenmarkt
Forum Garden Café Halle 6 Stand D18/E19

The event

This presentation offers in-depth insights into the design of natural outdoor spaces in residential buildings and company gardens. The founders of the Foundation for People and the Environment present proven methods from realised projects that create added value for the users of the facilities and promote biodiversity. Deadwood arrangements, natural stones and native, drought-tolerant plants are used to create sustainable and aesthetically pleasing designs. Participants learn how responsible garden concepts can be successfully implemented and expand their expertise in innovative, practical solutions. 


Foundation for People and the Environment

Foundation for People and the Environment