Cologne: 24.–26.06.2025 #spogagafa

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Erlebnis pro Quadratmeter – Magische Momente in der grünen Branche | Event on the spoga+gafa 2024

Experience per square metre - Magical moments in the green sector

from spoga+gafa in cooperation with TASPO Gartenmarkt
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German with simultaneous translator
garden unique, garden creation and care, garden bbq, garden living, responsible gardens
spoga+gafa in Kooperation mit TASPO Gartenmarkt
Forum Garden Café Halle 6 Stand D18/E19

The event

With the increase in online retail and the continuing expansion of retail space, customer frequency has decreased over the last ten years. The mere presentation and stocking of goods is no longer sufficient. The tried and tested key figure ‘sales per square metre’ is no longer sufficient. It only measures the sales generated directly on the sales floor. For many years, the term ‘point of emotion’ has therefore often been used instead of ‘point of sale’. It is repeatedly emphasised how important the customer experience is in bricks-and-mortar retail - one of the few differentiating features compared to online retail. But how can this experience be measured? Perhaps even in relation to the space required for it? This presentation answers precisely these questions.

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