Cologne: 24.–26.06.2025 #spogagafa

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Guided Tour Möbel- und Dekorationstrends Outdoor 2024/25 | Event on the spoga+gafa 2024

Guided Tour furniture and decoration trends outdoor 2024/2025

from spoga+gafa
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Meeting Point Passage 10-11 stand 006

The event

What is it about?

Whether in the form of atmospheric lighting under the treetops, a welcoming sofa landscape on your terrace or innovative plant walls on the: The desire for a life in the heart of nature is creating a growth market, especially for design-oriented and high-quality outdoor furniture. New space usage concepts that make life in the city greener are also gaining popularity.

Learn why our "second living room" is becoming increasingly important and which new trends await us at spoga+gafa 2024 in the Furniture and Decoration product section. Frank A. Reinhardt, a renowned trend researcher and design journalist will guide through these insights.

The participants of the Guided Tours at spoga+gafa 2024 will become trend scouts: Which colour dominates the next garden season? What can one envisage under retro design? And why is Responsible Gardens a future-looking focus theme of spoga+gafa 2024?


Managing director e.K. Design and communication agency

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