Cologne: 24.–26.06.2025 #spogagafa

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Immer heißer und trockener und dann Starkregen: wie kommt die grüne Branche mit dem Klimawandel klar? | Event on the spoga+gafa 2024

Hotter and drier and then heavy rain: how is the green sector coping with climate change?

from spoga+gafa in cooperation with TASPO Gartenmarkt
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garden unique, garden creation and care, garden bbq, garden living, responsible gardens
spoga+gafa in Kooperation mit TASPO Gartenmarkt
Forum Garden Café Halle 6 Stand D18/E19

The event

Climate change in Germany, with higher temperatures and longer periods of drought on the one hand and extreme weather events and flooding on the other, is now being felt by everyone in Germany. There is an urgent need for the green sector to develop strategies to adapt to climate change. Urban greenery must adapt to the changed situation, for exampClimate change in Germany, with higher temperatures and longer periods of drought on the one hand, but extreme weather events and flooding on the other, is now being felt by everyone. Greenery is therefore becoming increasingly important as a cooling factor in the heated city. At the same time, far too much water is still being channelled uselessly into the sewage system instead of being allowed to seep away on site and thus be used by plants. Dried-out trees and shrubs everywhere are sad testimony to this. The sponge city principle must finally become a reality and green spaces must be planned and realised in a ‘multifunctional’ way. In addition to rainwater storage and cooling, this is also about contributing to nature conservation and usability for people, so it is urgently necessary for the green sector to implement strategies for adapting to climate change. For example, urban greenery must be adapted to the changed situation, for example by using drought and heat-tolerant species, green infiltration areas or installing new irrigation systems while simultaneously utilising the rainwater that accumulates.


Professorship Urban Space and Landscape

Berlin University of Applied Sciences

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