Cologne: 24.–26.06.2025 #spogagafa

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Diskussionsrunde - Am Tisch mit Judith Baehner und Oliver Mathys zum Thema "Jugend und Natur" | Event on the spoga+gafa 2024

Panel discussion - At the table with Judith Baehner and Oliver Mathys on the topic of "Youth and nature"

from spoga+gafa
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garden creation and care, garden bbq, garden living, responsible gardens
POS Green Solution Islands, Passage 4-5

The event

How can we communicate the interrelationships surrounding nature to our future generations? On the one hand, to get them interested in our sector as customers, to possibly win them over as future employees or to build up more responsibility for our environment.

In dialogue:

Peter Paul Kleinbussing, Intratuin  

Andreas Loewer, Gärtnerei Löwer

Martina Mensing-Meckelburg, VDG Verband deutscher Gartencenter

Karl-Heinz Dautz, Needforchange

Heiko Mencke, MENCKE Gartencenter


Biophillic designer, book author and stylist for green spaces

Het Groenlab


Oliver M. Consulting