Cologne: 24.–26.06.2025 #spogagafa

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Diskussionsrunde - Am Tisch mit Judith Baehner und Oliver Mathys zum Thema „Sind Pflanzen noch grün?“ | Event on the spoga+gafa 2024

Panel disussion - At the table with Judith Baehner and Oliver Mathys on the topic "Are plants still green?"

from spoga+gafa
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garden creation and care, garden bbq, garden living, responsible gardens
POS Green Solution Islands, Passage 4-5

The event

How can we adapt our products, which are outwardly perceived as green, for the coming decades? The water footprint, soil and fertiliser play just as important a role here as climate change. 

In dialogue:

Miriam Hohenfeldt, Good Profits  

Sebastian Grothaus, Good Profits 

Urs Rutishauser, Häberli Fruchtpflanzen AG

Christian Dinger, Dinger's Gartencenter Köln


Biophillic designer, book author and stylist for green spaces

Het Groenlab


Oliver M. Consulting