Cologne: 24.–26.06.2025 #spogagafa

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Diskussionsrunde - Am Tisch mit Judith Baehner und Oliver Mathys zum Thema „Sind Pflanzen noch grün?“ | Event on the spoga+gafa 2024

Panel disussion - At the table with Judith Baehner and Oliver Mathys on the topic "Are plants still green?"

from spoga+gafa
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garden creation and care, garden bbq, garden living, responsible gardens
POS Green Solution Islands, Passage 4-5

The event

How can we adapt our products, which are outwardly perceived as green, for the coming decades? The water footprint, soil and fertiliser play just as important a role here as climate change. 

In dialogue:

Miriam Hohenfeldt, Good Profits  

Sebastian Grothaus, Good Profits 

Urs Rutishauser, Häberli Fruchtpflanzen AG

Christian Dinger, Dinger's Gartencenter Köln


Biophillic designer, book author and stylist for green spaces

Het Groenlab

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Oliver M. Consulting

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