Cologne: 24.–26.06.2025 #spogagafa

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„Schwein gehabt“ – wir haben die besten Stücke des Schweins gefunden | Event on the spoga+gafa 2024

"Pig Out" - We Have Found the Best Pieces of the Pig

from spoga+gafa
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garden bbq
Outdoor Kitchen World - Show kitchen, Hall 8 Stand D10t

The event

We dissect a pork neck and show you where the pluma, presa and money muscle are located. We also take a look at the anatomy of the pig with regard to the pork belly and ribs.

In the subsequent preparation, the pork pluma and secreto are presented with the appropriate side dishes.

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Master butcher, grill master, meat sommelier & author

Metzgerei Brath