Cologne: 24.–26.06.2025 #spogagafa

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Vom guten Produkt zum begeisterten Kunden: Digitale Services, die den Unterschied machen | Event on the spoga+gafa 2024

From a good product to an enthusiastic customer: Digital services that make the difference

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garden unique, garden creation and care, garden bbq, garden living, responsible gardens
Forum Garden Café Halle 6 Stand D18/E19

The event

Nowadays, it is no longer enough to score points with price and quality alone - service is becoming a game changer in e-commerce. But how can companies use digital innovations to really inspire their customers and retain them in the long term?

In their presentation, Isabelle Born, Client Service Director, and Susanne Junglas, Experience Design Director, will use practical examples from their day-to-day agency work at denkwerk to show how you can take your e-commerce to the next level with smart digital solutions. OBI and Motel One are examples of companies that know how to offer their customers value-added services that pay off in the long term.

Find out how you too can stand out in a competitive market with unique digital services and secure your competitive advantage. Discover with the two experts how digital services can transform your business and satisfy your customers in the long term.


Client Service Director


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Experience Design Director


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