Cologne: 24.–26.06.2025 #spogagafa

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POS Green Solution Islands

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Biological diversity

Biodiversity encompasses the variety of life forms and is essential for the ecological balance. Insects and birds play important roles in pollination, the nutrient cycle and pest control. By gardening responsibly and creating habitats, we contribute to the preservation of biodiversity.

Children and nature - our future

In our technologised world, the importance of nature is often overlooked, even though it is crucial for our future. Allowing children to play and experience nature fosters a positive relationship and awareness of the environment.

The edible urban garden

Fresh fruit and vegetables from your own patio or balcony are possible despite the lack of space. Vertical gardening and hanging gardens make optimum use of the space, supported by flexible sunshades and automatic irrigation.

Water footprint

In view of increasing weather extremes, sustainable water utilisation in gardens is important. Less sealed surfaces and the use of permeable materials allow rainwater to seep away, which protects the soil and maintains biodiversity.

Materials of the future

Responsible gardening utilises natural resources and recycled materials. European hardwoods and natural hedges are environmentally friendly and long-lasting. Sustainable concrete mixes, recycled plastic tiles and water-permeable paving stones are ideal for garden terraces.

Sustainable energy solutions for the garden

Technologies such as solar and wind energy help to reduce the carbon footprint of gardening. Battery-powered garden tools that are charged with solar cells or small wind turbines are particularly sustainable. Non-electric hand tools also encourage physical activity and solar lights automatically adapt to the natural light cycle.

POS Green Solution Islands at spoga+gafa