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Higher quality: Interview with BBQ Blogger Camillo Tomanek

21 Jan 2020

Camillo Tomanek, Grill World Champion 2008

Camillo Tomanek, Grill World Champion 2008

Camillo Tomanek is well-networked on the scene with his blog Don Caruso BBQ. We spoke to the 2008 World Champion Grill Master about the last spoga+gafa and future-looking developments within the BBQ industry.

Camillo Tomanek, which trends and developments are being observed at present in the grill and BBQ section?

Basically, everything is coming together to form "one large unit". The grill is more and more increasingly becoming the social meeting point - one not only wants to eat well, but also sit together comfortably and have a nice time. In the past the grill was integrated into the garden, whilst today an own BBQ corner is designed.

In the garden own barbecue corners are lovingly designed.

In the garden own barbecue corners are lovingly designed.

What exciting innovations are there on the appliances and accessories front?

On the one hand, there are ultra-modern pellet grills today, which even allow amateur grill masters to achieve very good results. On the other hand, rustic fire plates, which sizzle and smoke, are very popular.

What impressions did you gain at the last spoga+gafa?

This year the focus of the market leaders was more on quality and the selective enhancement of the line-up, aspects which I welcome totally.

Rustikale Feuerplatten, bei denen es brutzelt und qualmt, sind unter Verbrauchern sehr beliebt.

Rustikale Feuerplatten, bei denen es brutzelt und qualmt, sind unter Verbrauchern sehr beliebt.

The trend theme City Gardening was one of the key focuses of spoga+gafa 2019. What makes grilling in the city attractive?

I think the opportunity to engage in something informal is what attracts many people.

A prediction for the future? What direction is grilling headed in?

That is the million dollar question... I think that in four to five years' time, nobody will look incredulous if someone has invested Euros 15,000 in an outdoor kitchen.

Author: Leif Hallerbach
