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Practical Garden Day at spoga+gafa

12 Aug 2019

Private garden in Othmarschen © Jörg Pfenningschmidt, Naturdesign

Private garden in Othmarschen © Jörg Pfenningschmidt, Naturdesign

spoga+gafa 2019 is presenting a special offer for landscape gardeners and the executing companies: The Practical Garden Day on 2 September addresses the theme planning and building for 50+.

Five top-class speakers will convey the important basics for planning gardens at the Practical Garden Day. Hosted by the landscape architect from Cologne, Brigitte Röde, they will explain the relevant issues involved in planning gardens for elder people. Especially in the case of garden owners over 50, the demands increase in terms of garden design. The plants can be all the more exclusive, but at the same time have to be easy to care for. And totally important: The garden should be easily adaptable to suit the physical and mental ability of the owner without extensive effort, in others words suitable for all generations.

Private garden in Tarnow © Jörg Pfenningschmidt, Naturdesign

Private garden in Tarnow © Jörg Pfenningschmidt, Naturdesign

Selection of the right plants

"Basically a garden should provide several options - seating areas in the shade, seating areas in the sun, space for spending time together, space for being alone," stated Jörg Pfenningschmidt. The garden planner from Hamburg will talk about the "The right plant for the right location" on the Practical Garden Day. Regarding planning for elder people, it is principally recommended to choose easy-to-care for plants, but at the same time the question arises "Why shouldn't someone over 50 take real enjoyment in looking after labour-intensive delphiniums? He finally has time to do so now."

Tips for construction planning law

Today, particularly the elder generation considers the garden more as their second living room. However, expert knowledge alone no longer suffices for the corresponding garden planning. Planners and executing companies are more and more frequently faced with the question as to whether they need planning permission for earth deposits, conservatories, outdoor kitchens or pools. The Practical Garden Day at spoga+gafa also addresses this topic, giving among other things tips on construction planning law for private gardens.

Private garden in Großhansdorf © Jörg Pfenningschmidt, Naturdesign

Private garden in Großhansdorf © Jörg Pfenningschmidt, Naturdesign

Further lectures at the Practical Garden Day occupy themselves with gardens for the second half of life or with projects and plants for greener cities of tomorrow. During a subsequent get-together there will be time for discussions and an exchange between experts. The organiser is the Federation of German Landscape Architects (bdla).

The special event programme of spoga+gafa 2019 will once set new focuses and highlights. Furthermore, with the aid of exhibitions and lecture forums it places a focus on the trend themes of the garden industry in the scope the IVG Power Place Green, BHB-Garden Summit and Landgard ordering and conceptional days.

find out more
Author: Leif Hallerbach
