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"The young generation wants pull now, and not push"

25 May 2020

Florian Topf OPUS Marketing

Florian Topf is a consultant and unit manager in the green industry department at OPUS Marketing. – Photo:

What long-term effects will the corona crisis have on the stationary trade? How can the green industry address young consumers? We talked with Florian Topf from OPUS Marketing about this.

OPUS Marketing GmbH from Bayreuth has been supporting customers from the green industry for more than 15 years now. From small florists to large production and adventure nurseries – appropriate strategies and marketing concepts are individually developed for each operation. The offering extends from market and competition analysis through the design of advertising campaigns, the creation of websites and social media presences to recommendations as to how the POS should be designed. The company also offers strategy and brand workshops.

Florian Topf is a consultant and unit manager in the green industry department at OPUS. spoga+gafa visitors also know him as a speaker at the TASPO Talks in the Forum Garden Café of the international garden trade fair. Last September, the expert spoke here, for example, about the "communication of the future".

Mr Topf, the entire economy and green industry are currently facing enormous challenges posed by the corona crisis. Nothing appears to be as it was before. Do you believe that the trade will find its way back to the "old normality" in the foreseeable future? Or will this crisis result in fundamental changes over the long term?

Topf: A great many stores and businesses may be forced to close in Germany in the coming ten years. I see one main reason for the decline in the changed purchasing habits, especially the growing trend toward online shopping. The corona crisis is not responsible for this. Companies and businesses must invest in future strategies and new sales channels during this period.

Green industry Marketing Digital natives

How can the green industry address young consumers? – Photo: justynafaliszek / pixabay

It is said that crises are also always an opportunity. Where do you currently see the opportunities for the green industry?

Topf: Life between one's own four walls is taking on an entirely new significance during the corona crisis. Regional providers and producers will have a chance. Food and plants are increasingly being purchased from trusted companies. The corona crisis is also advancing innovation themes in companies.

In your opinion, how will it be possible in future to also ignite the enthusiasm of customers for the products and services of the green industry? How does one best address this target group?

Topf: The young generation wants pull now, and not push. The brand thereby has better chances in terms of perception with video content. – However, if one wishes to enter into a dialogue with the target group, good SEO and/or SEA is very helpful. When digital natives are already making the effort to interact with the remembered brand and its message, it has to also be possible to find this immediately – on page one of Google.

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