Cologne: 24.–26.06.2025 #spogagafa

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Mr. Prof. Dr. Jens Lüdecke | Speaker of the spoga+gafa 2024


Mr. Prof. Dr. Jens Lüdecke
Berlin University of Applied Sciences
Professorship Urban Space and Landscape
Key subjects
garden unique, garden creation and care, garden bbq, garden living, responsible gardens

About Prof. Dr. Jens Lüdecke

1995-1997 Trained as a gardener and landscaper
1998-2004 Studied landscape planning at the TU Berlin (Dipl.-Ing.)
2006-2008 Traineeship at the Ministry of the Environment of North Rhine-Westphalia (2nd state examination)
2008- 2009 Research assistant at the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN)
2009-2011 Consultant at the Federal Railway Authority (Environment Department)
2011-2013 Scientific advisor at the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)
2014 Environmental manager for the Atdorf pumped storage plant
2015-2019 Environmental assessment/environmental planning (City of Offenburg)
2017 Completion of dissertation ‘Strategies for an Environmentally Sound Development of Offshore Wind Energy’ (Dr.-Ing.)
Since 2019 Professor for Urban Space and Landscape at the Berlin University of Applied Sciences (BHT)

Has been organising seminars and training courses on climate change adaptation and publishing on the topic for several years
